

Atyutka is a short form of combinational words Ati and Utkarsh. Ati means “extremely” or “exceedingly” in Sanskrit. Utkarsh means “advancement”, “high quality”, “eminent”, “glorious”, “progress” etc. Combining these two words, we can say “something which is extremely excellent” or “advancement towards progress”, to define Atyutka, a short word for Atyutkarsh which also means ardently longing, very eminent etc.

I am Sreekumar and “Atyutka” is my attempt to bring you topics on various categories based on my experience, what is happening around us, topics of interest to many – technical, cookery, education, music, photography, travel and like. Few years back, I used to write in a blog but as days became hectic with work and life, I gave it up. I have freed myself from all the worries and tensions of work life and I would like to enjoy the rest of my life doing something creative at the same time useful for others.

I will be discussing about Science and Technology, Inventions, Discoveries, Travel Experiences, Life-Hacks, Home Remedies, Tips and Tricks, Indian Classical Music and topics like that. The possibilities are enormous and my main idea is to share to as much people as possible and your contribution is highly appreciated at all times.

Please contact me if you have anything to share or do want to register as a member on this blog.